AI, Diversity, Sustainability, and the Power of Creative Thinking in the Mobile Industry, with Lara Dewar, CMO of GSMA

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On a recent episode of Time For a Reset Marketing Podcast: Insights from Global Brand Marketers, brought to you by CvE Marketing Consultancy, host Paul Frampton connects with Lara Dewar, CMO of GSMA, an organisation that represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide.

Lara’s extensive career spans across various sectors, including financial services, telecom, and charitable organisations. Notably, her tenure at World Vision Canada saw her elevate the organisation’s profile by bringing Meghan Markle on board as an ambassador, focusing on the empowerment of girls and women.

Redefining Marketing: A Strategic Imperative

During their discussion, Lara Dewar highlights a pivotal concept: the need to redefine marketing as a strategic discipline. She argues that marketing should not merely be about aesthetics but rather be seen as the central force that drives business forward. “I think marketing really needs to be recognised as commercially contributive. It’s not just about making things look pretty; it’s about being at the heart of the organisation and propelling it forward,” she asserts.

Lara believes that for marketing to be truly effective, it must be recognised for its strategic value. This involves improving how marketing’s impact is reported and tracked, ensuring it is integrated into broader business strategies. She views CMOs as key players who should act as ambassadors for their organisations’ reputations, prioritising customer needs and translating them into meaningful strategies. This strategic perspective, she argues, is essential for marketing to fulfil its potential as a driving force within the organisation.

“I think marketing really needs to be recognised as commercially contributive. I think it needs to be recognised as a function that is driving the business forward, that is driving the organisation forward. It’s not just about making things look pretty, it’s about really being at the heart of the organisation and driving it forward.” Lara Dewar, CMO of GSMA

The Challenges Facing CMOs

Paul and Lara delve into the complex landscape that CMOs navigate. Lara’s insights reveal the integral role of marketing in unifying various organisational efforts. By maintaining a broad perspective and aligning tactical actions with overall business objectives, CMOs can ensure that marketing acts as the cohesive force within the organisation.

The Role of the CMO in Strategic Leadership

The conversation shifts towards the evolving role of the CMO and the skills necessary for tomorrow’s marketing leaders. Lara underscores the importance of strategic vision and the ability to foster followership within an organisation. She highlights the need for grit, particularly when navigating new areas such as digital transformation and proving marketing’s value to the organisation.

“Today’s CMOs must be strategic, visionary, and capable of creating followership within their organisations. They need to guide their teams through various activities while setting a clear direction,” Lara says. She stresses that creativity remains crucial, even amidst the busyness of the role. Encouraging “weird” ideas can spark innovation and prevent marketing from becoming mundane.

According to Lara, balancing data management and growth with creative thinking is crucial. This approach not only serves customers effectively but also ensures that marketing strategies are innovative and impactful.

Embracing Technological Advancements and Ethical AI

The conversation also touches upon the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the mobile industry and marketing. Lara discusses how AI is used behind the scenes by mobile operators for cost reduction and efficiency, focusing on automating and streamlining processes. However, she also sees a broader opportunity for AI to enhance customer experiences. “Sustainability is a big issue in the mobile industry, and it’s something that we take really seriously. We have a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, and we’re working towards reducing electronic waste and promoting renewable energy,” Lara notes. She praises Nokia’s sustainability initiatives, including efforts to extend the lifespan of devices and explore new business models that minimise environmental impact.

The Importance of Continuous Learning and Networking

Finally, Lara emphasises the importance of continuous learning and networking. She acknowledges the challenges of staying up-to-date with rapidly evolving technology and the value of building connections within the industry. “I’m constantly learning as a parent and as a CMO in a technology-focused organisation. It’s important to stay up-to-date with technology and to network with others in the industry,” Lara shares. This commitment to learning and connection is essential for navigating the fast-paced and ever-changing landscape of marketing and technology.

“I think as a CMO, it’s really important to be open to learning and constantly building connections. I’m constantly learning as a parent and as a CMO in a technology-focused organisation. It’s important to stay up-to-date with technology and to network with others in the industry. Building connections and learning from others is really valuable in this fast-paced and ever-changing world.” Lara Dewar, CMO of GSMA

Key Takeaways

Lara Dewar’s insights offer a valuable perspective on marketing’s evolving role and the CMO’s strategic importance. By redefining marketing as a core strategic function, embracing technological advancements, and continuously learning, CMOs can effectively drive their organisations forward while addressing the challenges and opportunities of the modern landscape.

Join us on Time For a Reset: The Marketing Podcast with Global Leaders

Tune in to the latest episode of Time For a Reset: Marketing Podcast – Insights from Global Brand Marketers, brought to you by CvE Marketing Consultancy, where we sit down with representatives of household brands to uncover the secrets behind driving transformation in today’s rapidly evolving world. From shifting consumer behaviour to the increasing importance of marketing in driving business growth, this podcast delves into the strategies and insights that are shaping the future of marketing.

You can read the full transcript episode here.

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