Our Clients

CvE works across Europe, Asia, and North America with brands who are seeking to build a best-in-class digital marketing function. We work with large multi-nationals through to DTC scale-ups adapting our unique service model and talent to the needs of our clients. With some we operate purely as a consultant and accountability partner, with others we embed digital specialists to accelerate transformation and with others, we run a managed service for omni-channel digital activation.

CvE works across Europe, Asia, and North America with brands who are seeking to build a best-in-class digital marketing function. We work with large multi-nationals through to DTC scale-ups adapting our unique service model and talent to the needs of our clients. With some we operate purely as a consultant and accountability partner, with others we embed digital specialists to accelerate transformation and with others, we run a managed service for omni-channel digital activation.

CvE is a next-generation service consultancy at the nexus of media, technology, and data, created to serve marketers in the modern digital marketing world.

If your brand is looking for a new media operating model fit for the current digital marketing ecosystem, we are ready to team up with you to find the solution your business needs, acting as either a consultant and accountability partner and/or the activation partner for digital media.

Did you know that:

66% of brands are re-imagining their marketing model

62% of brands say there is a skills shortage in tech and data analytics

72% of brands feel agencies have struggled to adapt to programmatic

And 2 out of 3 brands say they don’t have financial or data transparency

Source: MediaSense Media 2020 & Beyond report *WFA Programmatic Report